Editorial Reviews

Praise for Mealtime

“This colorful addition to the Toddler Tools series is another helpful board book. Parents and caregivers will welcome the mealtime tips included at the back of the book.”—Lincoln Public Schools

“Heinlen creates contrast and dimension with eye-catching patterns on wallpaper, dishes, and the characters’ clothing. The affirming message about trying at least ‘one bite,’ using a napkin, and clearing your plate should sit easily with readers.”—Publishers Weekly

“This book is adorable and very simple for little ones to follow. I really love the diverse children in the illustrations and . . . I also like the super positive tone of this book and that it focuses on positive reinforcement.”—MacaroniKid.com

“Yet again, Verdick delivers with a book that meets the needs of both toddlers AND their parents . . . As a mom, I loved the inclusion of the social skills and the emphasis on eating healthy foods . . . My own toddler enjoyed this book as well (even took it to bed with him), and didn’t need to be reminded to clear his plate tonight (coincidence? I think not). He was also drawn to the pages in the book that showed all the fun the children were having who had finished their meal! . . . Mealtime is another home-run from Free Spirit Publishing.”—Chasing Supermom blog

Praise for the series
“Practical, positive tools for building and maintaining the supportive care environment that toddlers need.”—Dan Gartrell, Ed.D., director of Child Development Training Program, Bemidji State University, “Guidance Matters” columnist in Young Children, the journal of NAEYC

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