American Indians of the Plains: Surviving the Great Expanse 6-Pack for Georgia
Item 114460
Grade 4-8
Lexile 620L
ISBN 9780743953900
Language English
Guided Rd. Level S
Highlighting some of the fascinating aspects of life on the Plains, this primary source reader examines the distinctive features of the Lakota, Cheyenne, Comanche, Pawnee, Osage, Omaha, and Crow tribes. Students will explore different facets of Plains Indians culture including the importance of buffalo in everyday life--as their source of food, clothing, homes, weapons, and many other things.
- Build literacy skills and social studies content knowledge
- Appropriately leveled content provides access to every type of learner
- Includes text features such as captions, bold print, glossary, and index to increase understanding and build academic vocabulary
This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan that aligns to the Social Studies Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE).
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