Fiction Readers Grade K 6-Pack Collection (30 Titles, 180 Readers)
Item 121462
Lexile BR70L
ISBN 9781087604404
Guided Rd. Level A
Build your classroom library and supplement your reading program with this kindergarten 6-Pack collection. These beautifully illustrated, entertaining books celebrate diversity and inclusion and appeal to today's readers. Motivate students to read across a wide range of appealing fiction genres including mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, realistic fiction, folk tales, fables, and traditional tales.
With cross-curricular themes, these books introduce basic concepts to beginning readers and focus on the key reading skills students need to have at their level. This 180-book collection includes six copies of each title with a content-area focused lesson plan. Titles include (titles may be substituted):
- The Lion and the Mouse
- The Tortoise and the Hare
- The Three Little Elephants
- American Us!
- From Sea to Shining Sea
- Oh Hi, Ohio!
- Fred and Me
- The Little Red Hen
- A Treat for Grandpa
- Out of This World
- Who Took the Snacks?
- Lemonade Stand
- Chuck's Diner
- The Ugly Duckling
- Puzzled
- Watch Me Dance
- Peter and His Shadow
- The Girl in the Mirror
- Whose House?
- Perfect Fit
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- A Fairy-Tale Day
- Save the Day
- Bunny's Magic Day
- What's for Dinner?
- Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater
- Love Like Salt
- Play Ball!
- Chimp Paints
- The Three Blind Mice Start a Band
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