La historia de los combustibles fósiles 6-Pack
Item 27855
Grade 3-5
Lexile 740L
ISBN 9781425848040
Language Spanish
Guided Rd. Level V
Including six copies of The Story of Fossil Fuels" and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in Earth and space science. Through the nonfiction title, "The Story of Fossil Fuels," students will learn about petroleum, coal, and natural gas nonrenewable resources; how fossil fuels are made and used; where we find fossil fuels today; extraction and refining; and more. This high-interest informational text features vibrant photographs, helpful diagrams, text features such as a glossary and index, and a hands-on "Think Like a Scientist" lab activity that is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. The accompanying 5E lesson plan incorporates writing to increase overall comprehension and concept development and provides teachers with: clear step-by-step instructions; before-, during-, and after-reading strategies; introductory activities to develop academic vocabulary; reproducible student activity pages including a reader quiz and graphic organizers; learning objectives and materials lists; an answer key; and a Science Safety Contract for students and parents.
Other book packs from this kit
Clima 6-Pack
Including six copies of Climate and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage third grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in Earth and space science.
Item Number:27837
La reproducción de las plantas 6-Pack
Including six copies of Plant Reproduction and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science.
Item Number:27841
Productores y consumidores 6-Pack
Including six copies of Producers and Consumers and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science.
Item Number:27842
Los sentidos de los animales 6-Pack
Including six copies of Animal Senses and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science.
Item Number:27843
Adaptaciones 6-Pack
Including six copies of Adaptations and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science.
Item Number:27844
El ciclo de los nutrientes 6-Pack
Including six copies of The Nutrient Cycle and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science.
Item Number:27845
Electricidad 6-Pack
Including six copies of Electricity and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in physical science.
Item Number:27846
Circuitos 6-Pack
Including six copies of Circuits and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in physical science.
Item Number:27847
Transferencia de energía 6-Pack
Including six copies of Transferring Energy and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in physical science.
Item Number:27848
Ondas sonoras y la comunicación 6-Pack
Including six copies of Sounds, Waves, and Communication and a lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in physical science.
Item Number:27849
La luz y sus efectos 6-Pack
Including six copies of Light and Its Effects and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities to engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in physical science.
Item Number:27850
Los ciclos de la Tierra 6-Pack
Including six copies of Earth's Cycles and a lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in Earth and space science.
Item Number:27851
Estamos aquí 6-Pack
Including six copies of We Are Here and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in Earth and space science.
Item Number:27852
El ciclo de la roca 6-Pack
Including six copies of The Rock Cycle and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities to engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in Earth and space science.
Item Number:27853
Nuestros recursos 6-Pack
Including six copies of Our Resources and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in Earth and space science.
Item Number:27854
Lo que ve un científico 6-Pack
Including six copies of What a Scientist Sees and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fourth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in science.
Item Number:27856
Seres vivos y no vivos en un ecosistema 6-Pack
Including six copies of Life and Non-Life in an Ecosystem and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities to engage fifth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science
Item Number:27858
ADN 6-Pack
Including six copies of DNA and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fifth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in life science.
Item Number:27861
Mezclas y soluciones 6-Pack
Including six copies of Mixtures and Solutions and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities to engage fifth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in physical science.
Item Number:27863
Conservación de la masa 6-Pack
Including six copies of Conservation of Mass and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fifth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in physical science.
Item Number:27864
Conservación de la energía 6-Pack
Including six copies of Conservation of Energy and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities to engage fifth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in physical science.
Item Number:27865
Calentamiento global 6-Pack
Including six copies of Global Warming and an accompanying lesson plan, this 6-Pack provides five days of standards-based activities that will engage fifth grade students, support STEM education, and build content-area literacy in Earth and space science.
Item Number:27871
Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 4 Add-on Pack (Spanish)
Expand your classroom library with additional copies of each nonfiction reader in the Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 4 Kit. Easy-to-read informational text, helpful diagrams, NGSS-aligned lab activities, and more will build science literacy.
Item Number:27877
Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 5 Add-on Pack (Spanish)
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:28110
Investiguemos los accidentes geográficos 6-Pack
Earth's surface is always changing and scientists study landforms to learn about these changes. This Spanish book discusses destructive forces like earthquakes and volcanoes as well as weathering and erosion from water runoffs.
Item Number:28545
La nave espacial Tierra 6-Pack
This Spanish book asks readers to imagine Earth as a spaceship with a limited amount of resources. Readers will learn about important topics like global warming, greenhouse gases, deforestation, pollution, biodiversity, and other environmental issues.
Item Number:28546
Dentro del mundo de la materia 6-Pack
This Spanish book teaches readers all about the basics of matter, including the three states of matter--solid, liquid, and gas--as well as atoms and elements, the periodic table of elements, compound elements, and mixtures.
Item Number:28547
Investiguemos las fuerzas y el movimiento 6-Pack
Force and motion are all around us and help us move and do great things! In this Spanish book, learn all about gravity, equilibrium, acceleration, deceleration, electromagnetic fields, pressure, kinetic energy, and inertia.
Item Number:28548
Dentro de los ecosistemas y los biomas 6-Pack
Readers will be enthralled as they learn about such ecosystems and biomes as the tundra, grassland, desert, temperate forests, rainforests, and even riparian and pelagic biomes, through this Spanish book.
Item Number:28549
Kits from this series
Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade K Kit (Spanish)
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:27638
Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 1 Kit (Spanish)
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:27639
Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 2 Kit (Spanish)
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:27640
Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 3 Kit (Spanish)
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:27641
Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 4 Kit (Spanish)
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:27642
Science Readers: Texas Edition: Grade 5 Kit (Spanish)
Created to align to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), this dynamic collection of digital and print resources integrates scientific content with literacy skills, allowing students to explore scientific topics in meaningful ways.
Item Number:27643
Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Kindergarten Kit (Spanish)
Bring all three strands of science to life with these engaging readers and 5E lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Kindergarten students will improve content-area learning and literacy through fun, hands-on science activities.
Item Number:27669
Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 1 Kit (Spanish)
Bring all three strands of science to life with these engaging readers and 5E lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. First grade students will improve content-area learning and literacy through fun, hands-on science activities.
Item Number:27670
Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 2 Kit (Spanish)
Bring all three strands of science to life with these engaging readers and 5E lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Second grade students will improve content-area learning and literacy through fun, hands-on science activities.
Item Number:27671
Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 3 Kit (Spanish)
Bring all three strands of science to life with these engaging readers and 5E lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Third grade students will improve content-area learning and literacy through fun, hands-on science activities.
Item Number:27672
Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 4 Kit (Spanish)
Bring all three strands of science to life with these engaging readers and 5E lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Fourth grade students will improve content-area learning and literacy through fun, hands-on science activities.
Item Number:27673
Science Readers: Content and Literacy: Grade 5 Kit (Spanish)
Bring all three strands of science to life with these engaging readers and 5E lessons aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. Fifth grade students will improve content-area learning and literacy through fun, hands-on science activities.
Item Number:27674
Related links
Correlations to National, State, and Province Standards
FOSS Science Readers Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
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