Science Readers, Grade 2 6-Pack Collection (36 Titles, 216 Readers)
Item 101476
Grade 2
Lexile 310L
ISBN 9781493896318
Language English
Guided Rd. Level F-R
Interest Level 1-4
Build literacy skills and content-area knowledge across the strands of science: life science, physical science, Earth and space science, and scientific practices. This set of high-interest science readers will capture the curiosity of 2nd grade students as they learn STEM themes. This 216-book collection aligns to state and national standards and includes six copies of each of the 36 titles and a content-area lesson plan. Features include:
- A hands-on lab activity that encourages students to think like a scientist
- Leveled text and content-area vocabulary
- Text features include bold font, captions, a table of contents, a glossary, and an index for additional support
- Your Turn! activity extends the learning experience and develops higher order thinking
Related links
Correlations to National, State, and Province Standards
FOSS Science Readers: A Closer Look Standards
Next Generation Science Standards
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