Building Everyday Leadership in All Kids
An Elementary Curriculum to Promote Attitudes and Actions for Respect and Success ebook
Grade K-6
Ages 4-14
Language English
ISBN 9781575425481
Item 899082
Page Count 208
Building Everyday Leadership in All Kids emphasizes that anyone can be a leader—and it’s never too early to start learning what leadership means and how to lead. This resource engages all emerging leaders, at all emotional and academic levels, by taking a full, practical approach to building personal and group leadership attitudes. The easy-to-use activities, in categories such as Understanding Leadership, Communication, Working with Others, Problem Solving, and Making a Difference, are designed to promote group interaction, build self-confidence, and allow students to explore personal understanding. Many activities are grouped for grades K–3 or 4–6, while others can be used with some minor adaptations for any age in the range. A special set of activities is specifically geared toward kids who are transitioning to middle school. Digital content includes customizable reproducible forms.
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