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Cooking Innovations

Learn about new innovations and technology behind great cooking with this informative book that features a hands-on STEAM challenge and uses real-world examples to give insight into how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

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Solving Problems at the Zoo Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Staying Dry Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Solving Problems at the Zoo 6-Pack

Learn how zookeepers at the National Zoo keep the animals healthy and happy. This 6-Pack features a hands-on STEAM challenge and uses real-world examples to give insight into how the engineering design process is used to solve problems.

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The Science of Gems 6-Pack

Learn how minerals form in rocks and how minerals become gems with this informative STEAM reader that features a hands-on STEAM challenge and uses real-world examples to teach problem solving.

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The Science of Gems Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Staying Dry 6-Pack

Learn how scientists and engineers have studied plants and animals to come up with ideas on how to keep people dry in rainy weather. This STEAM reader features a hands-on STEAM challenge and uses real-world examples to teach problem solving.

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Life in a Cube Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Digging Up Dinosaurs Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Inka Terraces Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Designing National Parks Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Making Music with Magnets Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Thomas Edison: Lighting a Revolution Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Making an Ocean Ecosystem Guided Reading 6-Pack

Support guided reading instruction in the classroom with this guided reading 6-Pack! It includes six copies of this Smithsonian STEAM reader and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.

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Life in a Cube 6-Pack

Learn how studying life in one cubic foot can teach us about life on the entire planet! This STEAM 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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Digging Up Dinosaurs 6-Pack

Learn how scientists and museum curators bring dinosaur fossils from the ground into museum exhibits for all to see! This STEAM 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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Designing National Parks 6-Pack

Learn how the National Park Service (NPS) has been guiding and enhancing visitors' experiences for more than 100 years! This STEAM 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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Inka Terraces 6-Pack

Learn how engineers are turning to ancient Inka history for ideas on how to solve modern day problems! This STEAM 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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Living and Working in Space 6-Pack

Discover how astronauts function in a challenging environment that includes weightlessness, cramped quarters, and zero privacy. This STEAM 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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Making Music with Magnets 6-Pack

Magnets are the sparks that bring electric guitars to life! Follow the current to learn more about the world of making music with magnets! This 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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Thomas Edison: Lighting a Revolution 6-Pack

Learn about Thomas Edison's inspiring life with this high-interest Smithsonian STEAM reader that touches on all aspects of STEAM. This STEAM 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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The Art and Science of Skateboarding 6-Pack

Learn about the fascinating science" behind skateboard tricks and the design of skateboards! This STEAM 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives."

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Guided by Stars 6-Pack

Learn how ancient Polynesians navigated the Pacific using only the stars, the sky, and the ocean as their guides! This STEAM 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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Making an Ocean Ecosystem 6-Pack

Learn how they aquariums are created and how their tiniest members play big roles in these underwater worlds! This 6-Pack includes 6 copies of this title and a lesson plan that addresses literacy and engineering objectives.

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